Tag Archives: youth


2013-09-20 09.07.41At 5:30 in the morning, as I drove to the train station to take the first train downtown, my logical side begins to question, “Such a big event? What a waste of time and money? What are you doing? Why are you supporting big organizations? It has not been a part of you for years now? Why are you going back down that path?

Thanks to the invitation from a close friend of mine, I went to the WE-day celebration.  As we took the train downtown and as we chatted away about our work, the above thoughts nagged my head, but I chose to remain mum about it until I was done watching what was yet to unfold.  We reached the venue by 7:30 and as we manoeuvred and weaved our ways through the crowds of youth, my thoughts had already begun to change and I said, “Look at all these young people.  I have hope for humanity.”  The day progressed from inspiring talks from the founders to contributors, celebrities, singers and also the REAL HEROES. Young children walked on stage, one after another to share stories that stunned me beyond words.  The number of speechless moments were countless. Tears rolled as  each child talked about the littlest way he/she made a contribution to the local community and the international community.  While some were passionate about women’s rights, the others about child labour, and yet some others were about bullying, hunger, education and the list goes on and on. Celebrities sang and danced and talked about how they got to the grass root levels to get involved in a project of their passion. The stadium of 20,000 people clapped, cried and waved. I knew that many were inspired.

As the day came to a close, I walked out in humility, my head buzzing with ideas on what little I can do to make a change to the community I live in and the international community….