I vividly remember the pre-natal classes that we went for before we had our first born. The lady had told us to inform the Doctor in the Delivery room if my husband wanted to cut the umbilical cord. My husband’s reaction was a classic “Who wouldn’t want to?”. But I guess there are a bunch of men, who choose not to. The point is not so much about the act of cutting the umbilical cord itself. The magnitude of a statement like “cutting the umbilical cord” is felt by the mother in so much of a deeper sense. First of all, its an oxymoron ! Of course, it is the first moment of detachment (or really attachment?) from her child…. Wow, the first signs of independence ! But from that moment on, the process of the cutting the cord is an on-going process for a mother. The weaning off, the rolling over, the first words, the crawling, the walking, the first day at school…. each of these moments are such intense moments for a mother. Each being a step away from her physically, but a step closer to her emotionally. As a mother two, watching them grow and take those steps away from me are surely bitter sweet moments. I often have to grit my teeth to say “They are capable of doing it themselves. So let them”. I remember vividly when my husband cut the umbilical cord for both of them at birth, it was pretty painless, but these moments after ?!? I truly believe the cord becomes stronger and more painful with age. A mother never really lets go off that umbilical bond until her grave ! Oh, the joy of motherhood !


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