Tag Archives: courtesy

I wish these lessons were learned at home…

  • that used towels need to be hung on towel racks so they don’t reek of invisible creepy crawlies, because
  • that a pair of pants on the floor resembling a standing pair of legs, need to find their way into the laundry basket, because
  • that a turned on light switch during broad daylight needs to face the opposite direction, because
  • that dirty dishes that adorn tables need to manoeuvre their way into the sink, because
  • that groceries blocking traffic patterns inside the house need to find their seats on respective shelves immediately after coming home, because
  • that rolled up comforters that look like a body has been stuffed inside, need to be flattened out, not just for aesthetic reasons, but also to prove the former idea wrong, because
  • that empty toilet roll holders need to be replenished by users themselves and also as courtesy to visitors that follow, because
  • that hungry children of the house will find their stomachs full even if the food is not fed by the mother of the house, because

the mother of the house is not an unpaid maid! 😛