Tag Archives: family

I blog because

  • No matter what I write, I have a few people that smile (perhaps smirk within) and that makes me smile.
  • To redirect anger against stupidity.
  • The filtration system from my mind to my finger tips has been compromised.
  • Other organs except my brain voted against me. :O
  • My brain is upset that someone else beat it approaching the Labour Board.:P
  • Blog site doesn’t mind my using it as crapping ground. šŸ˜€
  • My friends and family need a break from my talking.
  • Blogging is like a funnel for my otherwise disarrayed thoughts.
  • My mouth complained about me to the labour board about being overworked. šŸ™‚


Having been raised in a fairly open minded family, I grew up in a close-knit community of people that were caring, loving and understanding. However, this is a realization that I have had only on hindsight. Despite all that I had, I grew up rebelling against the littlest of things, but never really gave it a thought as to why I did so. Now that I am older and have been introspecting, I seem to have the answer. I am a ā€œborn-rebelā€. I cannot accept anything imposed upon me from the outside. I need to challenge it and go against it, to realize things for myself. I remember this saying ā€œBright people learn from other peopleā€™s mistakes. Fools wait for their ownā€. I surely belong to the latter ! Having said that, I have my own restrictions that I impose upon myself, that I am willing to live with for the moment.

Boy, the pushing 40 feeling surely has a hormonal impact on the body. So Iā€™d like to think because itā€™s only lately that I think about everything. Is it good ?? I am not sure because this causes such a chain reaction of thoughts. Like I have less to think about otherwise !Ā  I asked myself this question ā€œwhy do I rebelā€ and the answer does not seem to be because its in my ā€œnatureā€. The answer seems to be ā€œthe seekā€. It the internal want for knowing the unknown. When I was younger and I was told, donā€™t run down the stairs, I did so (needless to say only when no one was looking), just to see what happened if I did. All my life long, I have done this about various issues of my life. I wonder if this is true of many peopleā€™s lives. The point to be noted is not the rebellion itself, but the fact that I rebelled, but without the knowledge of people.

Going back to the pushing 40 feeling ā€“ I now see that I no longer want to rebel behind the screen and I am now a lot more accepting of my nature. However, do I have the courage ? Time will tell. But the fact is that I am thinking about it is a breakthrough. Itā€™s also a realization that itā€™s one thing to think and another thing to come out in the open.