Tag Archives: work

If I go back into the workforce…

I will miss waking up with my children’s agenda in mind, rather than my own.

I will miss the quiet of my own home when my children are at school and the joy of the noise when they return.

I will miss sipping my morning coffee after 9:15, taking one sip at a time, letting the taste buds relish the flavour.

I will miss walking through grocery aisles, reading every label, eliminating the ones that are high in sugar, corn syrup and other unwanted junk and including some amazing nutritious food that exist out there.

I will miss researching on the internet for new ideas on how to cook better and stay healthier.

I will miss taking my time to cook – cooking for joy, rather than cooking to eat.

I will miss watching my children eat as each bite goes down  their little stomachs satiating their hunger as they come back from school.

I will miss watching the week crawl by.

I will miss the time I have spent doing things for other people when they have needed me most, rather than being there for them when I ‘have time’.

I will miss the joy of jumping up when my husband calls when he gets a break.

I will miss listing things in my head to talk to him about the things we cannot catch up on due his hectic schedule.

I will miss my children coming home right after school without going to after school program.

Last but not the least, I will miss the joy of living with limited financial freedom, that joy that comes from immense planning of whether to buy something now or never!