A brief meeting with an unsung hero…..

Although the trip to my little one’s school is a picnic by itself everyday. It takes me a good half hour one way and the route is so scenic that I do the drive with a permanent smile on my face – fields, barns, country homes, stables, horses, unbelievably friendly people and every once in a while a rare sight of a grocery store.  I even had a bunch of young teenagers suddenly cross the road on their bikes one day, a rare thing in a country that is so guarded with children about even the smallest of things….. As unprepared as I was, an instinct told me I was in a country side. Hence stopping was easy. 

It was absolutely a gorgeous day outside and the fact that the young children were hosting a Mother’s Day tea for all mothers made it even more brighter (Tea and scones – whose day doesn’t get brighter!!!).  As I strolled on to the side walk of the school from the parking lot, a older brisk lady began a friendly conversation.  I could tell she was of European origin.  Some of things she said baffled me and reaffirmed my faith that although it might seem that culturally East and the West are so different, hidden deep are treasures such as her. 

  • She wasn’t sure which classroom she was supposed to go to. I was puzzled by that. What does she mean she doesn’t know which classroom her grandson is in?  She made it even more puzzling as she said, “David’s parents called me this morning and said they couldn’t make it to this party and asked me to be here instead so David won’t feel left out”.  By now, I am running a gazillion things in my head.. What???….I am glad people cannot read thoughts easily!!!. She added, “I am not David’s grandmother.” By now, my interest is peaked and I don’t want time to move as fast as it is. She went on say how she is a grandmother and a great grandmother to her own family, but she was also a grandmother to many children on her street.
  • As she walks past the local school, children wave to her, each calling her their grandmother.
  • She bakes and cooks for her neighbours and children and the bake sale at the local church.
  • She offers uncalled for advise without a thought of how politically correct or incorrect she is.  She offers it with such simplicity and honesty that it would be difficult for people to mistake her.
  • She is called to be a part of many such events as the Mother’s day party, to represent a child’s family. 
  • She is an inherent part of local weddings and sometimes even a bridesmaid! 🙂

I met an unsung hero! She totally made my day. 🙂

2 responses to “A brief meeting with an unsung hero…..

  1. If only there were more of such beautiful people we could reassure ourselves that our children are safe.

  2. A very beautiful piece that brings a tear with a smile and a swelling in the heart. It will be perfect with proof reading.

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