Tag Archives: guru


Am becoming a master at creating new terminologies for the dictionary ! Hip hip hurray !!!

As any mother is, I am super proud of my two children. However, what I am proud of is not their accomplishments, instead how they are so uncannily normal, average… A perfect average –  a term that I recently learned from a cute movie. As parents, we all strive to give our children the best. The definition of best is truly subjective because each one of us has a different perspective on this and often our own baggage has a  lot to do with the way we raise children. What I have realized is that in the name of “teaching” them right things or guiding them in the right manner, what we end up doing is completely the opposite. When we take a closer look at children, we realize how a Guru is actually inside of every child – someone who completely loves unconditionally, trusts every one, lives in the moment and has no expectations in return.  However, as adults we need to learn the art of doing these very acts, through yoga, meditation, seeking within and blah blah…  What a shame that we as adults see the need to “teach” children… what do we end up teaching them anyways ? How to be careful of strangers – translating to don’t trust anyone.  How to live in the past – translating to remember all your past mistakes. How to live in the future – translating to don’t live in the moment. And then when they are at a certain age, we want them to go back and do exactly what they unlearned – love, trust, harmony… Yikes….

The more I look at my children, the more I realize how much I learn from them.  A simple lesson for me today from my 6 year old was how to plan and execute. On his own accord, last night he said he wanted to clean out his closet. This morning he woke up, brushed, showered and did exactly what he had planned last night. His closet now looks better than any other in the whole house. He left me wondering……. What the hell am “I” trying to “teach” him ???? My guru are my children.